Autobody Shop Curtains for the Car Restoration TV Show ‘Graveyard Carz’

AmCraft Manufacturing was chosen to provide

Autobody Shop Curtains for the Car Restoration TV Show “Graveyard Carz‘

hosted by the Discovery Channel. The show demonstrates car restoration techniques performed on classic cars found in various states of ruin and deterioration. On the show, these cars are repaired and restored back to their intended state of glory in work areas that use our autobody shop curtains. The show’s past car restorations included a ‘71 Charger, a Phantom Cuda, a ‘70 Road Runner and a Charger Daytona.

AmCraft’s Autobody Shop Curtains are visible in the restoration garage, the yellow curtains with a clear viewing window has our logo prominently displayed. AmCraft’s industrial divider curtains work extremely well in protecting workers and equipment from odors, dust and debris. The retractable industrial curtain wall also provides a climate controlled workspace as needed. AmCraft’s PVC vinyl industrial curtains are mold and flame resistant, and easy to clean. The industrial curtain walls shown are mounted on a retractable and removable roller track system to provide flexibility for its use on the show.

AmCraft Manufacturing is in good company, including some of the biggest names in the automotive industry. Chrysler, Napa, Lucas Oil, and many others.

Graveyard Cars had been picked up by the Discovery Channel (Spring 2012) and various international networks. Additionally, Graveyard Carz was featured on the cover of Mopar Collectors Guide Magazine in October 2011.

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