
Case Study: Single Layer Curtain for Manufacturing

The Challenge

Our customer faced a challenge that was rather unique for their particular company. They needed to create a dust free room inside of an internal booth within their plant. Therefore, they searched the internet for a viable product that would meet their needs.

The Solution

Creating a dust free room calls for more than just an industrial curtain wall system, additional accessories are needed as well. For this customer, a gray 14-ounce laminated vinyl single layer curtain with a slight leather grain embossed finish was used to create a four-sided enclosure. Three sides were stationary and one side was retractable. Stationary curtains are attached to unistrut and therefore they are securely bolted in and will not move. However, the curtains can be taken down if needed by removing the bolts. Retractable curtains are attached to a C-channel track system that allows the curtains to slide both left and right.
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curtain enclosure

Another important functionality that was requested, was the ability for employees to still have the ability to see into the enclosed area, but still maintain a high level of cleanliness within that same space. A 20 mil clear vinyl vision panel was added on three sides of the industrial curtain wall enclosure system to maintain a high level of visibility. The top edge of the clear vinyl vision panel was reinforced with gray vinyl to provide extra strength since clear vinyl is non-reinforced, meaning there isn’t any scrim or polyester inside of it, so it’s not as strong as a solid color vinyl. The top hem is overlaid with solid color vinyl before the grommets are added, which provides additional support.

The customer intended to mount the industrial curtain wall enclosure system to the top of a booth that was already installed within their facility. Therefore, in essence the plant’s actual ceiling would not factor into the design and/or installation of the curtain wall. However, because industrial curtains sit approximately 1 inch off of the ground and there is a half inch gap between the bottom of the track and the top of the curtain, specific accessories would be absolutely necessary in order to keep the curtain wall system both airtight and dust free. In this case, a floor sweep and valances were the optimal solution.

Since one of the sides of the industrial curtain was against an existing wall, a floor sweep and valance wasn’t necessary on that side of the curtain. The valance attaches to the side of the industrial curtain track system by VELCRO and hangs down approximately 11 inches. Also, a custom valance was created for two of the stationary sides of the industrial curtain wall enclosure. In addition to the valance being attached to the unistrut and hanging down as they are typically installed, the customer also required a stiffened inch and a half above the strut because there was a small gap that needed to be covered due to the mounting system. This added customization ensured that the entire enclosure was fully airtight and dust free.

The installation was also unique. The ceiling of the booth functioned more like a drop ceiling, in that it wasn’t strong enough to mount hardware to it. Therefore, there were two I-beams that fell at an odd location based on where the customer wanted the industrial curtain wall enclosure system placed. Custom clamps and hardware were used to adequately support the curtain system. AmCraft sourced all of the parts needed, sent the customer a kit and talked through the instructions before the customer installed the curtain system in-house. The installation took place on a Saturday and the customer didn’t have any questions on the day of installation. In fact, the customer said everything went up perfectly.

To learn more about how to use an industrial curtain wall enclosure system to create a dust-free workspace within your warehouse or manufacturing plant, contact AmCraft Manufacturing today.