Commercial Restaurant Curtains vs.
Decorative Curtains

Find out how Decorative vs. Industrial Restaurant Curtains bridge the divide when a decorative room divider solution is attained for a restaurant from an industrial application.

Businesses usually know where to go to purchase standard products that are used within their industry. When a new need presents itself, a business owner will look to suppliers in their industry first. However, sometimes there is a need these suppliers can’t meet. A restaurant room divider curtain falls into many industry categories that include commercial draperies, home goods, custom designers as well as restaurant equipment suppliers. Because it can be very loud in the restaurant, retractable acoustic sound barrier curtains are just a sample which most likely cannot be supplied by a restaurant supplier. In the case of Ravinia, an outdoor musical and theater venue in Highland Park, IL, their indoor restaurant was in need of a large, decorative, and retractable curtain to separate space in the banquet room. The banquet room Mirabelle, is professionally decorated and the new room divider curtain needed to look attractive and fit with the decor.

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Looking Outside The Normal Distribution Channels

Jim R., the facilities manager for Ravinia was tasked to find a solution for concealing a large storage area inside the room. He determined early on that the best way to do this was with a retractable fabric curtain that would need to be structurally mounted to the ceiling beams.

He had the perfect, quality material for making the curtains, but no way to mount it to the ceiling. His calls to existing vendors did not produce a good option for hanging the curtain, and he had another problem. The decorative material of the curtain was semi-transparent when used with the existing lighting on either side of the curtain. He looked for a way to not only add a liner to the material, but also for a way to support the weight of the finished curtains. At this point he decided to perform some internet research to find other options.

Don’t Give Up, Instead, Think Creatively

When used inside a quality banquet facility such as the Mirabelle, the curtains need to meet the requirements of fashionable and modern décor. Industrial curtains are typically constructed of vinyl, as they are used for purposes required inside manufacturing plants, factories, warehouses and work shop type situations. Although using an industrial curtain was not an option, the method used to mount the large curtain wall looked promising.

A Track System Used As Great Design

Jim called AmCraft and found that he could indeed use a steel structural track to mount the curtains. But, the track is fabricated from polished steel and is industrial looking in appearance. AmCraft provided an option to powder coat the steel track to make the color better blend with the existing pipes and beams on the ceiling. This solution solved the appearance issue and provided a way to support the weight of large retractable curtains. The structural mounting system with a color change was perfect!

Custom Sewn Curtains From Supplied Material

Jim supplied the decorative curtain material to AmCraft and a nylon liner was sewn to it, making it opaque, but still lightweight. The decorative material was sewn to the nylon with double side hems, which created a more rigid curtain that allowed it to hang smoother and more evenly. It also eliminated the transparency of the decorative curtain material.

The combination of the two textile materials produced a high-quality, decorative curtain that is not only beautiful, but also durable enough for everyday use.

A Beautiful Outcome

Reaching out to vendors outside of your industry makes you realize there are many ways to get what you need. AmCraft enjoyed working with Jim to determine the best fabric, mounting option and construction method for the creation of a this decorative, yet industrial solution to his needs.

If you need ideas for restaurant curtains or help in dividing areas for any type of space, call AmCraft Manufacturing for custom curtain solutions at 847-439-4565 or visit our website