In this day and age, a consumer is faced with many different purchasing options. For every product that you may want to buy, you can likely find a healthy amount of companies that offer it. Often times, deciding which company to purchase a product from can be just as big of a decision as deciding what product to purchase. Industrial curtain wall products are no exception to that rule. Like many other products, there are a variety of factors that impact the quality of an industrial curtain wall, and will likely play a part in your decision of which to purchase.
When spending money, usually a consumer wants to know how far their dollar will take them. In other words, how long can I expect this product to last? And are there certain brands that are expected to last longer than others? For industrial curtain systems, it is important to consider the quality of the material that a curtain is made with and how well the curtain is constructed. Different thicknesses of vinyl provide additional strength. For instance, a 14 oz. thick vinyl is going to be stronger than a 10 oz. thick vinyl.
In addition to considering the strength of the base material, you should also look at how the industrial curtain is put together and reinforced. Important factors here include, but are not limited to:
All of these items can give you a clue as to the quality of the industrial curtain that you are considering purchasing.
One of the best, and most easily attainable, gauges of quality is the warranty that a company offers on its industrial curtain systems. The amount of time that a manufacturer stands behind the craftsmanship of its product is a testament to how long they feel it should last, and should be a huge clue to the consumer as to the quality and expected life span of your investment. If the manufacturer that makes the industrial curtain will not stand behind a long warranty, why would you consider purchasing it and expect it to last?
Overall, when considering purchasing an industrial curtain solution for your facility, there may be different companies in the marketplace that sell similar curtain products. However, as with any other purchase, if you take the time to compare the quality of your options, you should feel confident in selecting one that best fits your needs and can span the test of time for you.
At AmCraft manufacturing, we make sure to incorporate all of the above listed aspects of a quality industrial curtain into the production of our products. The top edges of our curtains are reinforced with heavy weight webbing, clear visual panels are welded into the curtains, Velcro is sewn onto the curtain with four lines of stitching, and we use a lock stitch to sew all edges of the curtain. We also offer a 6 year warranty on manufacturer defects of our products, which is one of the longest warranties offered in the industrial curtain industry.
For additional information on our products, and to obtain pricing and samples, contact one of our industrial curtain specialists today!