Putting an exact number on decibel reduction for a particular space is difficult – there are too many variables. Noise reduction products are just one element of a workspace’s acoustics. The size of the space; the material of the floor, ceiling, and walls; and how the acoustic curtains are placed all affect noise levels. In a small space, sound has less room to dissipate. This is particularly true of high-decibel, low-frequency sounds. Sound also will travel through and reflect off of different materials, like metal and concrete. Gaps between acoustic curtains will allow some sound to escape the barrier.
Given all of these factors, we cannot offer our customers a decibel reduction guarantee, but we can demonstrate how our products have been used in multiple different settings. Our case studies show the decibel reduction results achieved in real-world projects, which you can use as a model for understanding what to expect with your own project.
In addition to our case studies, we also provide sound transmission (STC) and noise reduction coefficient (NRC) ratings for each of our acoustic abatement products. These ratings, helpful for any noise abatement product, measure two different things. STC ratings measure how well a product lessens decibels as noise passes through it. NRC ratings measure how well a product absorbs sound. Review the STC and NRC ratings for each of our products on our data sheets.
Our acoustic abatement products are designed to bring effective noise reduction to your workspace. Reach out to our team to create your curtain and take the first step toward improved noise management.