Dampen and Block Noise in Manufacturing Facilities

In various Manufacturing industries, such as:

  • Metal fabrication and cutting
  • Plastic grinding and plastic recycling
  • Waterjet cutting
  • Sandblasting processes
    and many other industries that have to deal with OSHA’s regulations.

AmCraft’s noise-dampening and noise-blocking curtain panels will make a noticeable difference for all your employees and facility visitors.

By enclosing and/or separating the noise, AmCraft’s curtain panels create a quieter environment that significantly enhances the comfort and productivity of your employees. This not only keeps OSHA at bay but also fosters a more pleasant and efficient work atmosphere.

Please look at OSHA’s daily permissible noise level exposure matrix below. This matrix explains how long, according to OSHA regulations, an employee can work in areas with high decibel levels. If you reduce the overall noise level, a given employee can work in the reduced noise level area for more extended periods.

Industrial Acoustic Curtains Truck
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The Region 5 Regional Emphasis Program

To identify and reduce excessive noise exposure in manufacturing, OSHA Region 5 has joined several other areas to create a regional emphasis program for noise. The program was announced in June 2021 for immediate implementation. Similar regional emphasis programs are already in effect in Regions 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7.

While the name Regional Emphasis Program (REP) for Exposure to Noise Hazards in the Workplace sounds broad, the program focuses almost exclusively on the manufacturing industry. And with good reason. Workplace noise may be the most significant health and safety challenge facing the manufacturing industry today.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 75.9 percent of hearing loss cases occur in manufacturing. Workers in transportation equipment manufacturing, food manufacturing, and fabricated metal product manufacturing comprise the highest number of cases.

In an effort to address these issues, the REP empowers regional officials to:

  • Schedule and conduct inspections of select manufacturing industries with hearing loss rates higher than the national average.
  • Encourage employers to identify, reduce and eliminate hazards associated with exposure to high levels of noise.
  • Provide notices and education around noise, hearing conservation programs, and OSHA regulations.

If your facility is in Region V, OSHA may communicate with you to remind you of regulations, invite you to participate in training sessions and share the latest news about how noise affects workers. OSHA officials may also inspect and review your operations, records, and health and safety programs.

After reviewing the OSHA REP declaration, you will find the complete list of manufacturing industries being inspected. It includes facilities that manufacture everything from concrete pipes to aircraft. Ultimately, whether your facility’s NAICS code is on the list, you should prioritize meeting noise exposure guidelines.

If your facility is in Region V, OSHA may communicate with you to remind you of regulations, invite you to participate in training sessions and share the latest news about how noise affects workers. OSHA officials may also inspect and review your operations, records, and health and safety programs.

After reviewing the OSHA REP declaration, you will find the complete list of manufacturing industries being inspected. It includes facilities that manufacture everything from concrete pipes to aircraft. Whether your facility’s NAICS code is on the list, you should prioritize meeting noise exposure guidelines.

OSHA Noise Regulations & Penalties

OSHA penalties for failure to abate can reach up to $13,653 per day, while willful or repeated violations can cost up to $136,532 per violation. Those numbers don’t include the productivity losses and potential legal penalties resulting from inadequate employee noise protection.

Inspectors operating under the REP may review your noise monitoring and conservation programs and take readings throughout your facility. You’ll want to verify that your employees never exceed OSHA’s permissible exposure limit. OSHA recommends that employers keep noise levels below 85 dBA for an 8-hour shift. As dBA increases, the amount of time an employee can be exposed to the noise decreases. Excessively noisy workspaces can lead to productivity loss since employees cannot spend as much time in the space.

Personal protective equipment like earplugs and headphones can help protect the hearing of manufacturing workers. However, per OSHA regulation 1910.95 (c) (1), employees’ noise exposures are computed without regard for personal protective equipment. So, an employee can’t work in 90 dBA for 8 hours, even with ear protection. However, employers can adjust the spaces where manufacturing employees work to help minimize noise.

Strategies for Reducing Worker Exposure to Noise

As mentioned above, PPE can help protect workers, but it’s not enough to meet OSHA standards for hearing conservation. You’ll need other strategies to bring noise levels down to acceptable ranges. These could include:

  • Investing in quieter machines. This is often the most costly option since much of the equipment used in manufacturing is purpose-built and expensive to purchase.
  • Limiting worker exposure. This may help you meet the letter of the guideline, but it also reduces the length of time employees can work, which reduces productivity. Your losses will compound over time.

They are installing acoustic panels, curtains, and baffle systems. Such acoustic barriers and containment systems can reduce noise, echo, and reverberation with a much lower one-time investment than new machines. Over time, they can increase productivity by allowing workers to spend more time in the space safely.

Acoustic - Single Barrier Retractable Curtain

Acoustic Panels Reduce Noise in Manufacturing Spaces

Sound barriers can minimize noise by absorbing sound and vibration or blocking them. The most effective solutions do both. While some noise is still reflected or transmitted, the overall A-weighted sound level is reduced.
Here are three ways you can use acoustic sound barriers to meet OSHA noise regulations:

  • Enclose the noise—If a piece of equipment is particularly noisy, you may want to enclose it with a single-barrier or double-barrier curtain panel. These enclosures can protect employees outside the barrier from the noise of the equipment.
  • Separate two noise sources—If you have multiple pieces of loud equipment, you can set up a double-absorption barrier to minimize exposure in both areas. Hanging these in an accordion pattern can increase sound absorption in both spaces.
  • Absorb overall noise—Multi-absorption curtain panels and acoustic baffle systems can cover hard surfaces that would normally reflect noise and create echoes. You can use them on the ceiling, wall, or free-hanging to cover any hard surface in your workspace.
Free Hanging Noise Baffle
Noise Absorbing Ceiling Baffles
Wall Baffle
High Performance Baffles
Industrial Vertical Corner Baffles