There are 5.25 million car accidents that occur each year (National Highway Traffic Administration). In each of these car accidents, 1 or more cars may be involved.
A collision estimator has the important role of assessing damages for repairs after a car accident. In order to carefully evaluate the condition of the vehicle(s), a dedicated estimation bay for each vehicle is needed in order to isolate the vehicle to assure an accurate assessment of damages are provided. An autobody curtain enclosure protects each area so the process of estimating the repairs is separated from further damage. After the estimation comes the insurance approval.
The insurance company usually requires a disassembly of vehicles in order to find any underlying damages not found visibly on the outside of the car. The re-inspection booths can be partitioned easily with a retractable body shop curtain enclosure for the automobiles, as well. At this time, a more comprehensive idea of the parts needed are established and ordered, according to the initial assessment and the re-inspection.
The outside panels of the vehicle are returned to their appropriate sections and the metal is finished in the body repair booth. A welding curtain enclosure can be utilized to enclose the space for any additional fabrication. This welding booth enclosure can consist of transparent, tinted material or an opaque curtain with a “weldview” vision panel across the middle. A welding curtain will protect the surrounding areas from potential spark hazards.
Paint booth enclosures are used to apply the top color and clear coat to complete the refinishing of the vehicle’s structure. The paint booth enclosure as well as the prep station enclosure may need to follow certain regulatory standards when it comes to construction. Custom options can be added to accommodate exhaust systems, machinery, testing equipment, NESHAP compliance, NFPA compliance, and other requirements.
A thorough cleaning of the vehicle is done. Since the water splashing and detailing by-products entering into different areas is not ideal, clean, or safe, a wash bay enclosure is used to contain this process. This prevents debris, cross-contamination, and avoids slippery situations for the unsuspecting technician and/or customer walking just outside the designated area.
…now the vehicle is ready for road testing to make sure everything is working! A final inspection upon returning from the road test insures that the vehicle is in pre-accident condition. Every process relies on using quality autobody shop curtains to comply with government and insurance regulations. All this is done to make sure the vehicle owner is happy with the results!
Call AmCraft today to help you design the ultimate workstations for your facility at 847-439-4565 or email us at